@aka_labs_ is recognizing contributions to the Ethereum ecosystem through NFTs.
If you haven't authored/co-authored an EIP and want to get hold of an EIP NFT then you've two options:
- Contribute to a finalized EIP
- Purchase an EIP NFT on the secondary market. You can find the collection on OpenSea.
"The core principle behind the concept of retroactive public goods funding is simple: it’s easier to agree on what was useful than what will be useful."
- Vitalik Buterin
This project is a fun experiment which tries to use NFTs as a vehicle to aid 'retroactive public goods funding' for Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs).
This idea came after reading Optimism PBC's blog post on retroactive public goods funding.
Acknowledging the fact that building a fully functional "results oracle" would be a large undertaking. This project dips its toes in and tries to shine a light on the space.
The fun part of this experiment is observing how the market decides to value each EIP NFT. We fully encourage EIP authors to mint their NFT/NFTs and participate in the experiment.
Verified Smart Contract
You can view the eipnft.io verified smart contract here here.
The Trust Model - Authenticated Minting
This project introduces a less prevalent mechanism for minting ERC721 tokens.
The smart contract will only permit an address to mint if they've received 'authorization' off-chain from the contract 'owner'.
Another way of thinking about it is like having a multisig requirement on an NFT mint function e.g. only mint token X if a signature is provided by an authorised party.
This allows for more complex, off-chain criteria to be enforced. Leading to a nice side effect where you can easily bootstrap communities based on off-chain data.
In this case, "only let ETH address X mint NFT Y if ETH address X proves they're an author of a finalized EIP."
It's important to note that the owner of this contract ultimately has control over which Ethereum address gets to mint for an EIP.
Right now, @aka_labs_ has full control.
Once all NFTs for a given EIP have been minted, @aka_labs_ can no longer mint for that EIP. This can be verified via the source code where you can confirm that the control is relinquished.
Each EIP NFT leverages the new Ethereum standard, EIP2981. For more information about this standard, see this Twitter thread.
In short, royalty information is now stored on-chain so that it's easily retrieved and calculated.
For EIP NFTs, the authors address is set as the royalty recipient at the time of minting. The royalty amount is fixed to 1,000 bips (10%) for all secondary sales.
Adoption of EIP2981 is growing fast; one notable project helping aid adoption is Manifold's Royalty Registry.
Zero royalties goes to @aka_labs_.
All royalty payments go to the corresponding address that minted the NFT i.e. the authors Ethereum address; using EIP2981 to signal royalty payment information. This is a non-profit, passion project.
- Uniswap v3 LP NFTs became a source of inspiration through their on-chain SVG generation. After some deliberation we decided to adopt a similar aesthetic to this NFT.
- DynaStripes by Richard Rauser insisted that on-chain SVG generation was worth a deeper look. In addition to this, eipnft.io took inspiration from DynaStripes approach to testing. A phased rollout to a testnet has proven to be an invaluable exercise.
- EIP2981 reference implementation by @dievardump.
- Optimism PBC's blog post on retroactive public goods funding.
- Optimism PBC's blog post on retroPGF and their badge holder manual.